Sure, everyone is talking about them. And you are trying to stay current with the conversations as your friend’s gossip about the best NFT hitting the web. But on the inside, you are thinking, “how can I get in on this?” “How in the world can I better understand what NFTs are so I can sound intelligent too!” Not to fret. is sharing a quick 101 to NFTs (Non-fungible tokens) that will give you some insight and talking points.

Here are a few ways that NFTs are changing the game for content creators and NFT holders alike:

They give creators autonomy over their work

By selling their artworks as NFTs, artists can essentially cut out the middlemen in distributing their art, giving them complete control over pricing. In addition, selling art as an NFT can also let artists earn a commission each time the NFT is exchanged.

The Creator Passport NFT offers ongoing benefits to passholders. The Creator Passport NFT will help empower our creator community to take hold of the opportunities to abound in Web3.0 and provide ongoing support to ensure continued success. 

We’ll be offering an exclusive pre-mint discount to those on the Creator Passport NFT waitlist, join the waitlist asap before the discount expires!

Blockchain increases the value of NFTs

Blockchains are what separate NFTs from traditional forms of art, in that it is a unique ledger signifying that you are the official owner of an NFT – you own the rights to the content. This gives NFTs their value and makes creating them so profitable for content creators.

They provide creators with a worldwide market

Given that NFTs are traded digitally, this opens up the opportunity for creators to tap into markets worldwide to sell their content, exponentially increasing their customer base.

While there are tons of other reasons in addition to these three, these are the ones that we are most excited about at because they give creators the power to take control of their income and intellectual property and eliminate the need for middlemen to distribute their works.

To learn more about NFTs and why they matter to creators and innovative thinkers, read more here!